This platform facilitates patients and doctors
by managing doctors’ schedules, remote consultation, treatment, and prescription.

Remote consultation based on the patient’s
medical history. The doctor remotely advises treatment and medicines.

Increasing the efficiency of diagnosis
and treatment and reducing burdens, time, and cost.

Medical data security by
international standards.

Supporting the National Strategy
on public health.
Thai people are healthy.
Health officials are happy.
The healthcare system
is sustainable.
Patients no longer
need to spend a long time when seeing a doctor
Patients can book a date and time for consultation.
- Self-verification via eKYC.
- Booking the date and time for the appointment.
- Notifying patients of their appointment date.
- Recording the treatment and drug allergy information.
- Advising on medicines and healthcare.
- A chatbot reminding patients when to take their medicines, and giving basic consultation and medicines information.
- Showing real-time data.
- Easy to use on your smartphone.

Reducing burdens,
work, and cost in diagnosis and treatment.
A doctor can manage their schedule, treat a patient, and prescribe medicines on the system.
- Showing the doctor’s workload.
- Automatically adjusting schedules and generating reports.
- Summarizing diagnosis and treatment.
- Generating a treatment plan and showing related treatment information.
- Showing a patient’s medical history.
- The doctor can see the patient’s medical history.
- Notifying the patient about the queue.
- The patient is notified of their scheduled appointment.
- Pharmaceutical inventory management.
- Standardized drug code and usage.

Easy, Convenient, and Time-Efficient
Let HealthTeams help you schedule a consultation with your doctor, with our seamless features that will make your life easier.
If you are interested in our services, please contact
Chanwanich company Limited (Head Office)